If you look into a textbook for some language, you will most certainly find some made up dialogues and texts. The authors of the book used creative writing to provide you some (maybe even interesting) material to work with your chosen language. If you learn how to say your name, your job and your address, it might get a bit boring to say the same thing every time. Creative writing is a nice way to make things more interesting. If you are bored by talking about yourself all the time, try to think about what a vampire from London or a werewolf from New York would say.
Improving your skills in a certain area of language
There is the possibility that you want to improve your language skills in a certain area, lets say neopronouns. Maybe you don’t use neopronouns for yourself and no one you communicate on a regular basis with has people use neopronouns for them. Creative writing can help you to get into situations where neopronouns are needed. You could create a character or even several if not all who uses neopronouns. Our imagination is a great tool to get into situations that aren’t our reality to train certain things, like the use of neopronouns in this case.
Another scenario: Lets imagine your hobby is chess and you wanted to improve your chess-related language. Besides talking and writing about your hobby in your chosen language, you could also make up some story playing in the world of chess. This way, you could make up scenarios that fit with your chess language aim. You could do the same for business language and other topics!
Use it for the Job Language Challenge 2025?
If you’ve reached this blog article, there is a good chance that you have reached or will reach the articles about the Job Language Challenge 2025 as well. If not, feel free to click on the link! Anyways, this language challenge includes tasks where you can write or talk about yourself. How about writing about a made up character instead? How would a CV from a vampire from London look like? How would an online job interview for a werewolf during full moon go? Or what would a person completely different to you write into a motivation letter to get the job of your dreams?